#InternationalWomensDay: I Celebrate My Achievements

I just want to take this time to tell myself that you did it girl. You challenged yourself and believed in yourself. Here is a list of things I want to celebrate:

1. Celebrating My Visuals 
I remember going to Jumbo Mine in Zimbabwe with zero clue on how to use a camera but here I was holding it as if I am pro. It was so heavy. I started taking with the settings that were there...nomatter how clueless you can be you know the button to click to take photo so i took chances. I had this joy in my heart for some odd reason. As time passed I started loving photography and taking pictures of women - what they do in communities that is not known or celebrated. For once I was bringing change. Living without a camera now is torturous lol. 

2. Celebrating My Blogging Experience 
I was sitting on a sofa, stuck watching a very interesting movie. It was about a girl who blogged about everything. At that moment I wanted to do what she did...sit close to the window and just type whats on my mind.  Do yalls wanna guess what I did...yeah you guessed right. I started looking for blogging apps online and apparently I had so many stories to tell like how I am so addicted to Tyler Perry and his movies...I even called my myself a director, writer and producer just like he said it lol. At that time I had no clue about Twitter so that I can engage people...I was so in my 90s zone. I just want to celebrate the fact that I soldiered on and now I engaged with other bloggers from Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.  It's so much fun. I even got nominated for Best Humanitarian Blog...still feels like a fairytale.

3. Celebrating Taking Up Positions 
 Women's Voice Zimbabwe has been the greatest achievement because I got the opportunity to advocate, empower and amplify the voices of women and the girl child. I'm so proud of me and my sisters for believing in the process and increasing the digital footprint of women. Cheers to us ladies. 

Look back and smile. You are a woman of valour. Celebrate your succeses on #internationalwomensday


  1. Super proud of you mami...All the best hey...Keep pushing and keep winning..Super proud of you


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