Rasta Culture vs Me

When I'm walking in the streets of Harare I hear people calling out and praising me because of my hairstyle.
            "Rastaaa bho here!"
            "Rastaaa wagwaan"
            "Rasta ndimi mune yese" 
Hearing this as dramatic as I am I start feeling myself and my step changes and I tell myself well this hairstyle gives me so much respect. But I realised that the reason why I got dreadlocks and what having dreadlocks means to people is totally different. 
Let's break it down shall we. 

Dreadlocks is a hairstyle worn by warriors in Kenya. In the early days of Rasta Fari, Rasta who wore their hair in dread form  where brutalized by the police for no reason. This pushed many Rastas into the Bush so that they could live in peace. 

 Knowing that I'm sort of a warrior descendant is soothing lol. 

The smoking ganja for a Rasta is a special experience(sentimental). Rastas use the ganja to help enlighten their mind so they can correctly reason the ways of the world(reasoning sessions) and before smoking the weed the rasta will say a prayer to Jah  or to Haile Selassie. 

What a revelation...But shockingly I don't see people praying to Jah when they smoke weed...respect the importance of weed please!

Okay I have quite an interesting story for this one. So as a Rasta or Dread I decided to go with the band wagon and be the Ganja Queen. The most funny thing is I knew how to roll the weed and twist one end but the smoking part showed me that you are no Ganja Queen. I choked so hard and my eyes were teary and I remember at that moment I told God that some experiments should remain in the closet. 

Let's talk about the Social thought of Rastas. They believe in peace and they are usually trying to preach down violence. One of the most important things to know about Rastas is the protest against authority and structure. They refer to authority that rule the world as Babylon and this word is connected to the devil. 

Imagine calling authorities Babylon in Africa in this era...

I always wondered why Rastas don't eat meat and the answer that came knocking on my door... shocketh me.  Rastas do not like being around any animal that is dead. They believe it's wrong to eat animals that have died because you are turning your body into a cemetery.

One thing I loved about this rasta culture is the fact that rastas are always positive. This is one true definition of me.

Getting this information about the Rasta Culture made me think of the reasons why I got dreadlocks in the first place:
1. Liberation
The freedom to whip my hair back and forth without combing, getting braids( exempted from the long hours of sitting), being a different kind of formal be it at a conference or dinner. That grounded feeling. 
2. The natural look is to die for...you feel more African and black girl magic will never fade. 
3. The respect that comes with it is soothing. As women we are not put on a high pedestal as compared to men. 

What's your take on Rasta Farians or Dreadlock people?


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