Well we all know what honeymoon phase means, that time when you feel like you are in a good place and feel loved, but I think there are different types to it. Let's just go through them real quick to balance each other about the #Honeymoonphase.We have what we call the relationship honeymoon phase. Its like a graph when your relationship is going so well and nothing seems to be wrong at that moment or in the future, everything is dazzling. I'm sure everyone is a fan of that part of the relationship and when it doesn't really continue that way forever, some of you bail out. Another thing about honeymoon phase is that its long lasting if you are creative enough.
Moving on to friendship honeymoon phase, when friendship escalates real quick and then just gets boring but not impossible to revive. Friendships are important because sometimes you need a human diary to listen to you and advise you. One disastrous thing about friendship is you find another human being who is filling that void when your friend is not around and you start clinging on to them and suddenly in your mind you start calling them best friend and the previous friendship as you would label it will face a decline. I am a perfect example of creating new friends but what's different about me is that I don't leave the memories or stop making them with my best friends or friends from past because creating memories is living your best life.
My funniest part of the honeymoon phase is the texting part. The first part of texting someone new is really fun because wow you get to know who they truly are before they start blinding you. You will be so eager to see what they text next and feel all creative to show that you have really good personality and that you are fun to hang around and just heads up its not only feeling you have towards guys but girls too. The crazy part is when you are done getting to know them and you just start pretending as if the conversation is exciting you and start replying after ten hours or even a day. And the honeymoon phase ends and sometimes it can be rekindled after four years but its just not the same.
Honeymoon phase can be something that happens everyday in your life but it needs commitment so don't make it fade, be creative if necessary.
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